
Aug 14, 2024 IndicLLMSuite wins the Outstanding paper award 🏅 at ACL 2024!!
Jul 25, 2024 I’ll be attending ACL 2024, Bangkok 🇹🇭 to present IndicLLMSuite. Lets catch up!!
Jul 01, 2024 Joined as a PhD Scholar at the Wadhwani School of Data Science and AI @ IIT Madras
Jun 19, 2024 Our work “FBI: Finding Blindspots in Evaluator LLMs with Interpretable Checklists” is out on ArXiv.
May 16, 2024 Our work “IndicLLMSuite: A Blueprint for Creating Pre-training and Fine-Tuning Datasets for Indian Languages” has been accepted to ACL 2024 main conference.